Monday, July 19, 2010


Hi all!
ge success! Thank you to friends and family who came to support TAIKOPROJECT, as well as Bombu Taiko, Kitsune Taiko, and the new Chibi Kitsune and Loma Pacific Taiko! It was a weekend that I would truly cherish forever. We became one huge family with one main goal: Putting on an AMAZING show and sharing this moment with each other and the audience.

TP and other crew members from the Ford theater got in early on Saturday to prep for the show. TP had a morning show which was a lot of fun! The weather wasn't too bad started raining 2 hours before the show! We all ran outside to cover the drums since they were getting wet. The Ford theater guys were pro and handled everything in a calm matter. I on the other hand was freaking out! I prayed and I prayed and I prayed. I prayed that it'll stop raining so that we can put on this show. All the groups worked extremely hard putting together this show and it would of been a big disappointment if the weather conditions didn't allow us to play. Fortunately...THE RAIN STOPPED! It was a bit cloudy but nonetheless we were able to perform! So we did and the feeling of sharing the stage with great people was amazing.

Here are some pictures I took during our time at the theater

Run through of Expanding

Meeting before the first show

Yuri, who is also a member of TP, couldn't play with us because this year because she is pregnant! But she came with her husband, Hiro and supported us from the audience! (She actually had her baby today! Congrats to her and Hiro!!!)

Visit our Facebook for more pictures and upcoming performances! Have a safe summer everyone!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Tomorrow's the big show!!

After weeks and weeks of intensive rehearsals, Rhythmic Relations 2010 is tomorrow!! It's been a long haul, but in the past few months, we've written and refined six new songs, put together a new taiko group at our Long Beach Studio, taught ten 8-year olds how to play taiko, recorded and produced our first CD, published a 10-year Anniversary book, put together our first TP calendar, and pieced it all into a great show. (and in between it all we took some time to play with 30 Seconds to Mars and Stevie Wonder)

Now all we can do is give it our all tomorrow and Sunday and hope everyone enjoys the show! There are still tickets available, so if you want to come see the show, come on by and buy tix at the door, or come early to picnic and have a glass of wine before the show--it'll be an unforgettable summer night at the Ford--