Monday, September 27, 2010

Watts Towers Day of the Drum Festival

Last weekend was a busy weekend for us!
We started off by performing at the Watts Towers Day of the Drum Festival. It was super hot, but the crowd was amazing and we had a lot of fun!
It was a longer set and we were able to play one of our newer songs, Island Groove, where I got to be a Groovette! If you don't know what a Groovette is, you have to come to our (re)generation show this weekend in Torrance, since we'll play Island Groove for sure. :)

Here we are after performing.

Like I said, it was super hot... but it didn't compare to what we were about to face the next day for our performance with 30 Seconds to Mars! Be on the lookout for an entry and photos from that gig!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Target Kaleidoscopic Fashion Spectacular!

In early August, I got a call from the folks at Squeak E Clean Productions, music producer Sam Spiegel's production company. I first met Sam in early 2008 when he called us in to do a taiko recording which seemed at first to not really seem like a big deal.

It was in his home studio and I didn't know what would come of it--later, we found out it was for Nike's "Fast Forward" commercial, featuring Kobe Bryant, Maria Sharapova, and a number of other top athletes, training and being victorious all to the tune of our taiko-laced tracks.

Later that year, he contacted me again and we were in a bigger studio recording taiko tracks for Kanye West's "Glow in the Dark Tour." Anyways, that's the history of TP and Squeak E Clean. This most recent call was about "an event for Target," so I thought "cool, I go to Target, why not?"

Kris, Emily, Jen and I headed to the legendary Capitol Studios (where everyone from Frank Sinatra to Green Day has recorded), and started working with Sam on his concepts for the "Green" section of the show.

After a short few hours in the studio, we were done! We didn't hear anything about how it turned out, so we decided to just look on YouTube to see if we could find out what the event was, and found the following video--our section starts at about 3:40 and goes to about 7:00. What a production it was!

Target apparently rented out all the rooms on one side of the Standard Hotel in New York City for the production, equipped them all with colored led lights, and put on an amazing show!

We're proud to have been a part of such an innovative project. Thanks Sam and Chris at Squeak E Clean, and enjoy the video below! You can watch it on Facebook too, from different angles and such--