Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Short trip to the Bay

This past weekend was definitely one of the busiest weekends that TAIKOPROJECT has had in a while. We had three separate performances packed into a single day as separate teams played at the Long Beach Arena, The Cliff House and The Greek Theatre throughout the day.

The San Fransisco team had an early start on Saturday morning as Darren, Emily, Brian and I met up at 3am and started heading up towards the bay. We arrived in SF a little after 10:30am at The Cliff House. The Cliff House is a beautiful restaurant that sits atop a cliff overlooking the Bay. It's been around since 1963 and we heard that they have a fantastic brunch menu...yum! The event was for Ted's 80th Birthday and we had a great time performing for all the guests. Thank you to Bobby, Ted's grandson, for bringing us out! As we were getting ready to go on stage that day, I received a text from Bryan saying that the Long Beach team was just about ready to perform too. Those performances may have marked the 1st time that 2 separate TAIKOPROJECT performances were going on at the exact same time =)

That evening, we all wanted to go out to explore and enjoy the city, but ended up all passing out in Emily's sister's living room (Thanks Kim for letting us crash at your place!) The next morning, we got up early to catch some dim sum in Chinatown, made a quick stop in Jtown, then headed back to LA to reunite with the rest of the group.

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